Loving when your heartbroken

Loving when your heartbroken sounds like a twisted thing to say but I believe that it's the fastest, easiest way to get over someone.
Think about it... the 5 stages of grief aren't just experienced when you lose someone to death...they are also experienced when you break up with someone you completely loved. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance.
But what if you could skip those stages. What if you had a formula that would help you not only get over your loved one quickly, but also help you bounce to a higher level of being then you ever were before?
Well I have this solution. It has taken me many years, and some horrible heartbreaks to finally get to this point where I've overcome heartache.
There's two things you have to do for this solution to work. You have to make plans to:
  1. Love yourself:
  2. Love him/her.
*1) Loving yourself means not eating a big bowl of icecream, not laying in bed all day crying, not avoiding the things you love etc etc.
Loving yourself means that you need to make plans that will raise your self-esteem. For example, eating organic food and going to the gym always makes me feel empowered and makes me love my self more. For you, it could be: 1) Going to the spa to pamper yourself, 2) Going out with your girlfriends and making a point to make sure you look your best, 3) Doing something your scared to do because you know that you'll be happy that you did, 4) Signing up for that class you always wanted to take, 5) Pushing yourself to learn something new like french or a sport.
Here is a list of a few other things you could plan to do that will help with your self-esteem:
  1. Sit in silence for 15 mins a day and try to meditate and focus on the present
  2. Make a dream board of new things that you want and ways you can get them
  3. Create some affirmations for yourself to say before bed such as, " Im a kickass, wonderful human being that is deserving of a great, passionate love"
  4. Make a date to go out and treat yourself to a Starbucks on your day off. This will 1) Start your day off in a "I love myself and deserve this" kind of way and 2) Give you some human contact which, is the best cure to getting out of your head and uplifting any spirit.
To sum it up, the number one thing you have to remember is to be positively active. Think of positive, active things to do and your self-esteem will skyrocket.
**Side note** Eating well and exercising allows your brain and emotions to clear. I highly recommend that you first make sure you do this so that you have the motivation to actively do everything else. Eating crappy food and not exercising will not help you stay motivated and will not give you the energy you need to focus on loving yourself.
*2) Loving Him/Her is the next most important thing to getting over heartache. This simply means that if the anger or the sadness creeps up, you most think of them with love and try to send them thoughts of love. This again, is another active thing you must do. Making sure that you are staying present is the best way to do this one. Lets write out an example situation where you may need to apply this...you suddenly think of him or her and you feel sad

I vow to continue to love my significant lover no matter what.

- Unfinished blog entry
