Committing to a life of love.

Last year I began the journey of following the path of love. Now you may say, “Ok...that’s a little broad, what does that even mean?” Well, when I decided to commit to it, I didn’t exactly know myself; all I knew was that I no longer wanted to give hate a moment of my time. All I knew was that hate made me feel bad, and love made me feel good…and I just didn’t have time to feel bad anymore.
The moment I decided this, my world began to magically change. People on the streets would respond to me positively, people at work would be loving towards me, and anything that wasn’t serving my life of love, found a way to fade out of my life. Not to say that those things weren’t love or loving, but they simply weren’t understanding my wave length and therefore, they suddenly weren’t apart of it.I have been a strong believer in the law of attraction, and I myself have experienced magical moments where I have begun to attract everything I want. But it was the times where I would come off of that wave length and sit in sadness, that I would forget the most important ingredient to staying on it…love.
When you are sending out vibrations of love and you choose to see everyone and everything with love, you will see your life transform. Anyone in my past or in my present, I now send love to and the interesting thing about doing that, is suddenly, any sadness or guilt just floats away.
The biggest roadblock when committing to a life of love will probably be judgement. Judgement can be hard to overcome as it has become a societal norm. We make judgements on clothing, body image, attractiveness, career choices, personality, etc… all things that just don’t matter when your living a life of love. Judgement is the opposite of loving someone. Love doesn’t care about who a person is, or where they came from or what actions they decide to take…love just accepts and appreciates them for who they are. Love acknowledges that we are all souls underneath these layers of skin and bone, and on that level, we are all equal.
When striving to live a life of love, we will not be perfect. Actually, we will be perfectly imperfect with every decision we make. We are only human and we may find ourselves falling upon the path of judgement every so often. But what matters is that we find a way to remind ourselves or encourage ourselves to stay loving and to actively spread love; then hopefully one day judgement will no longer be a habit for us.
So I hope you decide to take this journey with me. Following the path of love has been my biggest achievement yet and it has transformed my eyes to see this beautiful life as a blessing.
This site is going to be dedicated to all who want to live a life of love. A life filled with passion and dreams and happiness that only love can give you.
I will be posting any books, movies, ideas, philosophies, clothing and campaigns that will open your eyes to continuing on this path.
I’m extremely excited to get started…so here goes.
