Dear High-school Me...

In the theme of back to school, I have decided to write a letter to 17 year old me. This letter is a big reminder that time heals all wounds and that even when you’re going through the hardest time, light is always at the end of the tunnel.
Dear High School me…
In 9 years everything will be much different then it is now. You will find a boyfriend who will love and care for you like no other! I had to mention this first because I know that’s all you think about right now haha. Eventually, you will realize that the only person you need…is yourself.
So now that we’ve covered that…everything that’s bugging you right now, will not matter in 9 years. In fact, 26 year old you, has forgotten half of what has happened in high school, and you live peacefully because of it lol.
Remembering and dwelling on the past doesn’t serve anyone any good. Especially you, because in one year (when you turn 18), you will go through something so horrible that most people will never understand in an entire lifetime. You will find yourself in a bubble of sadness where you will feel like no one can relate to you and no one understands you. But books will serve as comfort for you and your inner strength will begin to poke through on Feb 14 2009. You will never forget this day, because it is the day you began to love yourself again.
You will move past this time, and one day you will be so grateful for it. For it is this time that has led you to where you are now.
You will have many friends that are there for you during this time, and some that aren’t. But regardless, time will bring in many new friends and some old ones, that you will call ‘Your People’. The drama that you’re experiencing now, is only because you’re not being truthful to your soul. In time you will learn that being yourself, owning who you are and knowing that you have good intentions, is the only thing that matters. You will find people who will understand you and love you for you.

One day you will learn how lucky you are to be educated…so try to study as hard as you can. But know that regardless of your grades, you will never stop being thirsty for knowledge and you will continue to educate yourself. Any bad grades mean absolutely nothing when you get out into the real world. The true test is how hard you keep fighting to grow and improve your soul. You will never stop fighting for your goals and fighting to live the best life… and that my dear gives you the ultimate A+ in the most important school – the school of life.

As for your dreams… you accomplish something new every day. So try not to worry about how fast everyone else is going. Focus on enjoying your own journey. Everything will happen for a reason and the journey to getting to where you want to be… is the best part.

If you can take away anything from this letter, please practice the art of compassion. It is compassion that heals the heart from all wounds and it will help you through everything.
I love you and I’ll always be here for you when others cant be.
Melissa xo
Ps. Recently, you started to say “Just Love” instead of “Don’t Hate”… one day you will see how much that little expression will impact your life.
