One lesson I want to share with you...

As you guys know, in 2017, I made many self-improvements and learned many lessons about myself. My biggest lesson was one of acceptance. This year I had to learn to accept many things…my choices, my life path and ultimately myself. Through acceptance, I learned to let go. I learned to go with the flow. I learned that no matter who’s in your life or who leaves it…you’ll always be connected.
I use to fear loosing people. The first time I lost someone, I dove into a deep depression and even though I am a much stronger women than that girl way back when…the fear of change has stopped me many times over the years. Sometimes it’s not the right time for someone to be in your life. Sometimes a chapter with someone ends and it doesn’t always mean it’s forever…it could just be for right now. But whatever the case may be…you’ll always be connected. For we’re all energy…and we’re all connected by love. Learning this, makes letting go so much easier.
I let go this year. I followed my bliss. I stopped trying to control my life and I allowed joy to flow to me. I believe that’s one of the biggest reasons why this year was one of the most joyful and fulfilling years that I have ever had…at least since childhood.
Something happens when you become an adult and it’s almost as if we suddenly become unsatisfied. We complain and we feel sorry for ourselves and we stop playing. We start feeling as if we need to take control of our life. We stop doing the things that bring us joy and we come up with excuses like, “I don’t have time for that”, or “I don’t feel good enough to do that”, or “I should be doing something more productive”. You’re certainly entitled to thinking that way and feeling that way…but does thinking that way bring you happiness? I had to ask myself that question this year and you can guess what my answer was. Thinking that way wasn’t making me happy.
So I decided to change. I decided to accept my life and go with the flow.
“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change”.
If there’s one lesson I want you to learn from me going into next year…do your best to accept where you are in your life right now. If you want to feel instant bliss…do it right now. Breathe, accept, smile. There’s a lesson in every stage of your life…try to find out what your lesson is right now… and accept it. Love it. Embrace it with open arms!!!
Get ready for more NAMASLAYS next year, some upcoming Just Love Circles (To be announced…) and many many more PEEKS livestreams! 2018 is gonna be another blissful, kick-ass year and I cannot wait to share it with you all!
Love you guys so much and lets have a killer 2018! Sending you all so much love and light!!!! <3
Ps. Here are three songs to uplift your soul. Enjoy.
