Classical Music for your Soul!

In the age of Beyonce, Jay Z and Miley Cyrusclassical music is not as popular as it was in the 1800’s.
When I was an early teenager, my dad started to like classical music. We would listen to it in his car on the ride home from his house and it always had a nice way of putting me to sleep LOL. But before the sleep, I would usually feel very calm and it had a way of bringing me back to the present.
Remembering this, motivated me to put my little investigators cap on and see if there’s more to classical music than we might know. 
When you think about it, movie scores set the tone of the movie. Depending on the background music, you know whether to be happy or sad or scared, and you instantly feel that way when you hear the music.
When you’re feeling happy, you’re naturally drawn to listening to happy music. When you’re feeling angry, you’re drawn to angry music, because the music understands your feeling…but also it portrays that feeling.
So while doing some research, I asked myself, what does all classical music have in common? There’s definitely different moods and feelings that you can get from classical music, but they all have a common theme of making you feel calm.
If you want to be a ‘happy calm’ then search for a classical score that will make you feel this way. My personal favorite is the music from the newest Cinderella movie. Beethoven, on the other hand, has a lot of different feelings in his music; so definitely be aware of what you listen to and consciously choose something that gives off a “happy calm” vibe.
There’s also a ton of research that has discovered that classical music lowers the body’s level of cortisol, which is a hormone associated with stress.  (Read more) So indeed, based on that research, one could conclude that it scientifically makes us more calm.
Finding yourself in a calm space everyday, is so important to your soul. It will ground you, and when you are grounded, you will be clear-minded, and that is when you will make the best decisions for your life. Classical music may not be for you, but it’s important that we experiment with different ideas until we find the best things that will help soothe our souls.
So go ahead and try listening to some classical music…your soul may thank you for it.
I hope you guys have a fabulous day and as always, I’m sending you so much love!
Melissa ♡
Ps. If you want to read more about the different studies around classical music and how it can affect us, hear are a few articles that may interest you:
  1. This article is about how classical music affects gene activity
  2. This is a study on how classical music could possibly make you smarter
  3. This is the full article that talks about how classical music can help relieve stress
